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Paperless Policy

Last Updated: 27 June 2023

Convertise cares deeply about the environment and acts responsibly to avoid any negative environmental impact. As such, Convertise has a strict paperless policy meaning we do not send paper to customers and aim to reduce incoming paper to our offices to as close to zero as possible.

If you have any queries or concerns about our paperless policy, please contact us on, we'll respond within 12 hours of receiving your request (during weekdays).

Due to international mail services, writing to us at our postal address can take anything up to 21 days for us to receive and reply to your message, use this email address to get a prompt response to any query.

Convertise is a 100% Electronic Company
Paperless Office
Low Carbon Emissions

Convertise is a global company. To ensure that we keep our environmental footprint low, we take steps to ensure very low carbon emissions.